Sichuan's Earthquake. Beijing's Olympics. China 2008.

/ Friday, May 16, 2008 /
I have to give in already.

Sichuan's big disastrous earthquake melted the ice towards China in my heart and guess what! I teared while watching the saddening news clips on TV for... CHINA PEOPLE! *GASP*

No matter how pleasant the China's Chinese (TKL aka Tiong Kok Lang) sounds as they chat out loud, no matter how fragrant they smell while squeezing with them in every corner of Singapore or no matter how fit and strong they are to be able to grab a seat before passengers alight the MRT, I will learn to swallow my saliva, hold my breath and see them in a different light.

And, I don't want Doomsday to come anymore. I was seriously just feeling bored by work ok.

I am going to donate (!My Virgin Donation!) to offer some monetary help. Luckily DBS/POSB joined in this action together with Singapore Red Cross via their ATMs (finally) and it's going to make my (and yours!) kind action easier because UOB was the only bank before today who activated the donation appeal in their machines. What is Citibank still waiting for!?

It is also heartwarming to know that China is doing what they have promised, not being adamant in their old conservative way of handling politics and accepted help offered by Japan, Russia, South Korea and Singapore till date.

Offers of help poured from all over the world proves that this 50,000-estimated-casualties disaster may help greatly in the Beijing Olympics. A heavy price paid for earning sympathy, acceptance and attention in a wrong but unavoidable way. At least, I won't boycott it anymore. *gasp* This is a miracle.

I hope for China to overcome this disaster's aftermath.

Upon changing my perspective towards China, I finally heard and saw the videos of Beijing Olympics' 100 Days Countdown Show on YouTube. You know, there is really a humongous difference between hearing the theme song before and after the Sichuan's earthquake.

Those poignant scenes on the live performance of singers and China's people roaring words of hospitality to the world in their patriotic and united singing greatly stirred my feelings. They must be having very mixed emotions right now. Trying their best to be hospitable by speaking English to tourists while coping with the loss of their fellow Sichuan people.

So much so that, I give the theme song, Beijing Welcomes You, a 5/5 Sandeestars.

China, you can do it!!!

The Live Performance @ 100 Days Countdown Show

The Making Of

The Official Music Video


【陳天佳】迎接另一個晨曦 帶來全新空氣
【劉歡】氣息改變情味不變 茶香飄滿情誼
【那英】我家大門常打開 開放懷抱等你
【孫燕姿】擁抱過就有了默契 你會愛上這裡
【孫悅】不管遠近都是客人 請不用客氣
【王力宏】相約好了再一起 我們歡迎你
【韓紅】我家種著萬年青 開放每段傳奇
【周華健】為傳統的土壤播種 為你留下回憶
【梁詠琪】陌生熟悉都是客人 請不用拘禮
【羽泉】第幾次來沒關係 有太多話題

【成龍】北京歡迎你 為你開天闢地
【蔡依林】北京歡迎你 在太陽下分享呼吸

【周筆暢】我家大門常打開 開懷容納天地
【韋唯】歲月綻放青春笑容 迎接這個日期
【黃曉明】天大地大都是朋友 請不用客氣
【韓庚】畫意詩情帶笑意 只為等待你

【汪峰】北京歡迎你 像音樂感動你
【譚晶】北京歡迎你 有夢想誰都了不起

【閻維文】北京歡迎你 為你開天闢地
【王霞 李雙松】北京歡迎你 在太陽下分享呼吸

【林依輪】北京歡迎你 像音樂感動你
【林俊傑】北京歡迎你 有夢想誰都了不起

【容祖兒】我家大門常打開 開放懷抱等你
【李宇春】擁抱過就有了默契 你會愛上這裡
【黃大煒】不管遠近都是客人 請不用客氣
【陳坤】相約好了再一起 我們歡迎你

【謝霆鋒】北京歡迎你 為你開天闢地
【徐若瑄】北京歡迎你 在太陽下分享呼吸

【湯燦】我家大門常打開 開懷容納天地
【林志玲 張梓琳】歲月綻放青春笑容 迎接這個日期
【張靚穎】天大地大都是朋友 請不用客氣
【許茹芸 伍思凱】畫意詩情帶笑意 只為等待你

【楊坤 范瑋琪】北京歡迎你 像音樂感動你
【游鴻明 周曉歐】讓我們都加油去超越自己
【沙寶亮 滿文軍】北京歡迎你 有夢想誰都了不起
【金海心 何潤東】有勇氣就會有奇蹟

【飛兒 龐龍】北京歡迎你 為你開天闢地
【吳克群 齊峰】流動中的魅力充滿著朝氣
【5566 胡彥斌】北京歡迎你 在太陽下分享呼吸
【鄭希怡 刀郎】在黃土地刷新成績

【紀敏加 屠洪剛 吳彤】北京歡迎你 像音樂感動你
【郭容 劉耕宏 騰格爾】讓我們都加油去超越自己
【金莎 蘇醒 韋嘉】北京歡迎你 有夢想誰都了不起
【付麗珊 黃征 房祖】有勇氣就會有奇蹟

【全體】北京歡迎你 有夢想誰都了不起
【全體】北京歡迎你 有夢想誰都了不起


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