Introducing My New Idol - Jade 刘力扬

/ Tuesday, June 03, 2008 /
Ever since her debut duet with Yan Ya Lun of Farenheit in Ti Amo, I took interest in this girl's beautiful voice (which it has the X-factor I've always talked about) and went to search for more of her songs.

炎亞綸 & 劉力揚 - Ti Amo

When I first found out that she is a singer emerged from a China singing competition last year, and after seeing her tomboy look in pictures on her blog, I thought, sigh not another mainland butch singing! Just when I was about to close her page with disappointment, a song started playing in the background. It was her singing.

Woah, this butch can really sing. Let me check her other songs as well, I thought.

In the end, I downloaded all 3 songs from her blog and have been listening to them for quite a period of time before I got tired of them.

Then, when I was about to forget her, the Sichuan Earthquake video with the song, 眼泪笑了, made me cry and searched for this song's singer. It was then that I found out, this song is actually one of the songs from her upcoming debut album. This same song is playing on her blog currently.

How can she not be in my idol list right! This is the first time I idolize someone not by looks can!

Her voice not only caught my attention, it made me cried too.

And now..

Her debut album is out.

刘力扬 - 我就是这样
4.5/5 Sandeestars!


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